All men are at risk of prostate problems and this risk increases with age. The prostate can enlarge, become inflamed or be a site of cancerous growth.

A diagnosis of prostate cancer can be very difficult emotionally and physically for men and their families. As pelvic floor physiotherapists, we work to support you alongside your team of specialists to reduce the side effects of treatment and get you back to living your life to the fullest.

What is the prostate?

  • The prostate is part of the male reproductive system and produces fluid that makes up part of semen
  • It is located just below the bladder and in front of the rectum
  • It helps to maintain continence by reinforcing the bladder and urethra

Signs and symptoms

  • Difficulty starting the flow of urine, a slow flow or having to strain to empty your bladder
  • Post-micturition dribble (commonly known as after dribble)
  • Waking more than once a night to go to the toilet
  • Going more often than every 2-3 hours to empty your bladder
  • Not feeling empty after urinating
  • Recurrent urine infections
  • Blood in your urine or semen

How can physiotherapy help?

  • Recovery is optimal if you have physiotherapy before and after prostate surgery
  • Before surgery physiotherapy can include:
    • Establishing baseline function of your bladder, bowel and erectile function and addressing any concerns
    • Education about pelvic floor muscle training and commencement of an exercise program
    • Discussing recovery after your surgery
  • After surgery physiotherapy can include:
    • An appointment 1 week after your catheter is removed
    • Pelvic floor muscle training
    • Return to exercise
    • Erectile rehab
    • We also offer a specialised post-prostatectomy exercise class that runs at our clinic x 2 weekly